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John Rose


John Rose completed his articles at KPMG in 1998 and since has worked across industry sectors with 3 years spent in retail financial management. John has 7 years of extensive experience in the healthcare sector, where he has performed as deal maker, corporate financier and fulfilled roles in both Financial and Managing directorship. John’s move into financial services was with Waring’s as Group FD in 2008, where he headed up Structured and Group Finance. Waring’s move to KZN in 2011 prompted John to start his own Offshore Wealth Management company. John serves as Director leading the Offshore Wealth Management team at Iza Wealth.

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James Herbst

Non-Executive Director

James became a member of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants on 4 August 1997 and was awarded the CFA Charter on 18 September 2001. He completed his articles with Coopers & Lybrand (which became PWC) in 1996 and from 1997 to 2022 he managed the assets of high-net-worth individuals as a portfolio manager for Martin & Co (which became Fleming Martin and later JP Morgan). He has been involved in the listing of three companies on the JSE, DataPro, through Casey Investment Holdings (which became Vox Telecom) in 2004, Huge Group in 2007, and Mine Restoration Investments through Cenmag Holdings in 2012. James’ investment career spans 26 years.

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