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Forex Services

We offer a range of foreign currency services that cater to the needs of both companies and individuals. With a focus on offering superior service and expert advice, we ensure that you secure only the best exchange rates with the least amount of hassle.

Iza Wealth Forex
Iza Wealth Individuals


Whether you’re looking to transfer funds offshore by Special Application, want to use your Foreign Investment Allowance of R10 million per annum, or utilize your R1 million Discretionary allowance, we’re here to help.  Our team of tax experts and reserve bank specialists can guide you through the process, while also ensuring the best rates on your transferred funds.


Should you use the Iza Wealth FX Desk Platform?

Investec CCM Account
As one of our valued clients you will receive a free Investec Corporate Cash Management (CCM) account in your name, on our platform. This account is a best-in-class account and comes with lots of exciting features including:
  • No minimum holding
  • No fees/costs
  • Instant access
  • Open indefinitely
  • No costs to transact from this account (No swift charge)
  • Reduced FICA requirements on any future forex trades from this account
  • Interest per annum of between 3.0% – 3.5%

We take the admin out of offshore transfers. With years of experience in the private client environment, we pride ourselves on ensuring that the administrative burden normally associated with transferring funds offshore, is dramatically reduced.

As part of our service we not only complete and obtain SARS tax clearance (if required), but also complete the Reserve Bank Balance of Payments (BoP Form) and all other account opening forms and requirements. Plus, our experienced team of in-house tax specialists are available to assist on any SARS matters or additional requirements if you need them.


When it comes to handling foreign currency, our FX Desk also specializes in providing companies with expert advice and solutions to meet their business needs. Our team works closely with the company to fully understand the structure and business, so that we can accurately advise on the best suited forex solutions for you. Our ultimate goal is to offer you the best in class service and exchange rates on each transaction.

With FX Desk, not only will you get access to our institutional platform, but also an array of exciting business solutions to help you better manage your business, such as forward hedging and exchange control advice.

Iza Wealth Companies

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