Keep updated on how best to create wealth and protect it for the future.

Offshore Direct Investment
- Open architecture, investment platform/custodian.
- Minimum investment GBP15,000 USD/EUR25,000.
- Designed for individuals or corporates.
- Low cost flexible/liquid offshore investment solution.
- Asset remains in client’s estate.
- Low cost investment solution.
- Investment fully liquid and flexible.
- Initial capital tax free on repatriation to South Africa.
- Unitised gains taxed at capital gains tax rates (16.4% or 18%).
- Access to global investment rand hedged assets.
- Asset remains within client’s estate.
International Endowment
- Open architecture investment platform.
- Minimum investment GBP100,000 USD/EUR150,000.
- Taxed at source at 12 % within “International Endowment Policy” with funds received net of tax in SA.
- Designed for individual, company or trust.
- Low cost offshore investment solution to minimize tax exposure.
- Asset remains in client’s estate.

(Tax Wrap)
- Investment fully liquid and flexible.
- Initial capital tax free on repatriation to South Africa.
- Gains taxed at source – £/$12%.
- Access to global investments.
- Rand hedged asset.
- Asset remains within client’s estate.

International Retirement &
Savings Plan
- Open architecture investment.
- Minimum investment GBP100,000 USD/EUR150,000.
- Eliminates estate duty tax as client contributes to the international retirement plan removing them from the client’s personal name.
- Relatively low cost offshore investment solution for estate planning and retirement.
- Pension rules apply.
- Assets are contributed to the international retirement plan.
- Beneficiaries are appointed on set up – avoids need for foreign will and avoids probate.
- Capital fully accessible on retirement age (50).
- No tax on repatriation of capital, CGT rates apply to gains.
- Full asset value moves tax free to international retirement plan beneficiaries on death.
- Full suite of investment choices including:
- Mutual Funds
- Listed Shares
- Exchange Traded Funds
- Investment Property
- Private Equity